Recent Events
Grapevine Lodge #288 welcomes DDGM Royce Rose
February 12, 2024 – (Grapevine) – Grapevine Lodge #288 welcomed Right Worshipful District Deputy Grand Master Royce Rose for his official visit during their Monday Stated Meeting and brought official greetings from Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Texas Tommy F. Chapman. RW Rose is also a Past Master of Grapevine Lodge #288 as well as as Past Master of Richland Hills #1348 and currently serves on the Divan as the Priest and High Prophet of the Moslah Shrine in Fort Worth.

The Traveling Gavel of the 64th District returns to Grapevine Lodge
February 5, 2024 – (Richland Hills) – These traveling five brothers of the Grapevine Lodge #288 worked to get the Texas Masonic District 64 Traveling Gavel back. Richland Hills Lodge #1348 had taken 6 of their members down to Mansfield back last September to take it from the southern part of the district back into the heart of the metroplex. But after 6 months, the Grapevine brothers decided it was time for it to come back “home” after the almost 2 years since it was at Grapevine Lodge last seen in July 2022. The Traveling Gavel has been held by Grapevine Lodge on 3 different occasions since it started back in 2017 by Fort Worth Lodge #148. The Traveling Gavel was created to promote Brotherly Love and Fellowship among the brethren and especially those of the 64th Masonic District of Texas, instill enthusiasm and interest, increase attendance of stated and called meetings by increasing visitors, encourage knowledge of the craft and share experiences, and to have fun and create some healthy competition among lodges. To successfully capture the gavel, the visiting lodge must bring 5 members and if 2 or more lodges arrive with 5 plus members it is won by a simple coin toss. The brothers of Richland Hills Lodge #1348 extended their thanks to the visiting brothers and enjoyed a great meal and meeting together. Grapevine Lodge looks forward to seeing other lodges come to visit and compete to take the Traveling Gavel on to their lodge soon.

Grapevine Elementary Students are Getting Help with Fantastic Teeth
January 12, 2024 – (Grapevine) – Brushing into the new year as the brothers of the Grapevine Lodge #288 worked together to assemble the annual teeth hygene kits called “Fantastic Teeth Fan Club”. These kits will be distrubuted to local children as part of the program partnered with local GCISD elementary schools and the Masonic Children and Family Services of Texas. The lodge worked to assemble over 700 teeth kits for the upcoming program. Bob Bofinger, the program coodinator for the lodge, said “It was quick work with all of the men working together. I know the local children in the community will enjoy these kits and we are happy to do this every year.”
Holiday giving with GRACE connects to those in need
December 22, 2023 – (Grapevine) – Distributing food for those in need is critical for the community. The Grapevine Lodge #288 worked together to distribute holiday meals to those in need in the local community.
Veterans Day is a success
November 11, 2023 – (Grapevine) – Celebrating Veterans in downtown Grapevine with parade floats and spectators is always a fun way to enjoy a weekend day.

Grapevine Lodge completes an upgrade to their lodge room.
November 14, 2023 – (Grapevine) – A newness to the lodge room was unveiled at the regular stated meeting. This month the lodge celebrates its founders with a meal of beans and cornbread as the founders had from 100 years ago. The minutes of the meeting from 100 years prior is also read to those who attended. The new carpet and tile are certainly a nice upgrade to the look of the lodge. The wood floors beneath and left uncovered around the edges of the lodge room are original to the historical building in Downtown Grapevine.

Grapevine Lodge celebrates a 60 year service award.
October 5, 2023 – (Grapevine) – Grapevine Lodge #288 proudly awarded Delmar Dale Richmond for his 60 years of service to the fraternity. His award was pinned to his lapel by his son, Todd Richmond, who is also a member of the lodge and currently serves as the Tiler. In addition to this honor, the Grand Lodge of Texas represented by District Deputy Grand Master Jon Wych, awarded Grapevine mayor William D. Tate with his 50 year service pin. A 40 year service award was given to Robert L. Stuard and was pinned by his family as part of the ceremony. Worshipful Master Wendell Mitchell presided over the event and shared the awarding of the certificates with DDGM Jon Wych along with many dignitaries in attendance including Right Worshipful Brad Billings and several past masters of the lodge. Others who were awarded for their service but were not in attendance include 60 year – Billy A Powers; 50 year – Michael Franklin Hall; 40 year – David Everett Boise and Norman Jeffery Hutchinson.